603 OPTX, maker of precision optical components,
earns ISO certification in record time
KEENE, NH — Established in 2018, 603 OPTX quickly established itself as a leader in the optical fabrication/diamond turning industry. Specializing in precision optical components made from nonferrous metals, IR crystalline materials and polymer substrates, 603 OPTX just earned its ISO certification.
According to Shawn Voisine, plant manager, certification was high priority from the start.
“Being ISO certified was always planned for 603 OPTX,” says Voisine. “It’s an important requirement for many of our customers.”
Steve Polczwartek, co-founder and plant operations manager, adds “Our rapid success has been driven by meeting customer demands for high quality optical components. This is one more quality proof point.”
In early 2021, 603 OPTX became part of another fast-growing innovator in the diamond-turning industry, Micro-LAM, Inc.
“We’re here to fully support the growth of 603 OPTX,” says Micro-LAM president, Deepak Ravindra. “They’re an exciting brand doing exceptional work with advanced mirrors and lenses from variety of materials. ISO Certification is more than a plaque on the wall. Today, it’s a manufacturing must-have.”
Fast-track focus
The ISO application process began for 603 OPTX, which was after the Mirco-LAM merger. Yet that didn’t slow anything down. The extensive documentation was submitted ahead of schedule. Every stage of the review was thorough yet expedient.
“We treated this ‘project’ just like everything we do for our customers – no compromises, yet a real sense of urgency,” says Voisine.
The result: ISO Certification in under six months for a business that’s not even four years old.
Changing expectations in optics
While 603 OPTX may be a relative newcomer to the mirror and lens business, its founders have more than 50 years of experience in the industry. They know what works and how to do it well. They’re also unafraid to try new ideas, new processes and new materials.
“With this certification, our dynamic relationship with Micro-LAM, plus sky-rocketing optics industry growth, 2022 promises to an excellent year for the team here in Keene and at our sister testing labs and production facilities around the globe,” says Voisine.
To learn more about 603 OPTX and Micro-LAM, Inc. visit Micro-LAM.com